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In 2019, Haiti Green Solutions embarked on a transformative journey to change the way Haiti experiences energy. Recognizing the profound challenges posed by limited access to electricity and the soaring costs of traditional fossil fuels, our founders envisioned a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable future for the country.


Our story began at a time when every glimmer of hope counted. Haiti was grappling with energy scarcity, hampering progress in critical sectors like healthcare, education, and business. The price of diesel, the primary source of energy for many, had skyrocketed, making daily life a daunting challenge.


Driven by a passion for change and a commitment to our beloved nation, we set out on a mission to harness the abundant solar energy resources that grace Haiti year-round. We understood that by embracing the power of the sun, we could break the shackles of unreliable energy sources and reduce the environmental impact of energy production.

Our Commitment

Since our inception, Haiti Green Solutions has been unwavering in its commitment to providing accessible, affordable, and sustainable solar energy solutions. We believe energy should not be a luxury but a right, and we are dedicated to making this vision a reality for every Haitian.

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Epowering Communities

We firmly believe that sustainable energy is a catalyst for change. Our solar solutions empower communities to thrive by providing dependable access to electricity. Whether it's powering schools, clinics, businesses, or homes, we're lighting the way to a brighter, more prosperous Haiti.

Safeguarding The Planet

Our commitment extends beyond our borders. We are deeply committed to protecting the environment by reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy adoption. By embracing clean energy alternatives, we're not only improving lives in Haiti but also contributing to the global fight against climate change.

Join Us in Our Journey

Together, we can rewrite Haiti's energy narrative, create opportunities, and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. As we harness the power of the sun, we also ignite hope, power progress, and illuminate the path towards a brighter Haiti.


Come be a part of the solution. Together, we will shine a light on a sustainable tomorrow.

Electrical Engineer
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